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Learning and Laughing

by Michael Ford last modified 09 Jul, 2019 05:24 PM

Sarum College is offering four new courses aimed at Rural Mission and Ministry and the first offers learning and laughter as well as fresh insights.

'Working Well With Children, Young People and Families in Rural Areas' is the first of four courses being run by Sarum College and is a practical course to help you reflect on the blessings and challenges of ministry among children, young people and families in the countryside.

The course, which is in four parts and starts on Tuesday 1st October is being led by Rona Orme.

She says:

"We will learn and laugh together as we gain fresh insights and new ideas for this ministry. Expect to be enthused afresh by the end of the day!"

Rona has a wealth of practical experience of children, youth and family ministry from over 25 years in a team of rural parishes in Devon.

To book, email

The other courses are:

Celebrating Festivals in the Rural Context with Revd Canon Tom Clammer – Tuesday 11th February 2020

Missional Listening with Revd Simon Mattholie from Rural Ministries – Tuesday 9th June 2020

The Way under our feet: a Christian Spirituality of Walking with Rt Revd Graham Usher, Bishop of Norwich - Tuesday 29th September 2020

More information and full brochure

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