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Lean On Us

by Emma Waters last modified 09 Jun, 2020 12:19 PM

St Edwards RC-CE VA School creates a video of 'oneness' and support for their students.

Lean On Us

A message of 'oneness' and support from the school staff at St Edwards RC-CE VA School

With many schools still remaining closed for the majority of students, staff have been thinking of ways to connect with students who are still at home. Many schools have gotten creative with how they do this, producing comical and somewhat emotional videos.

One example was sent to the DBE in the last week, which highlights much of the school's key principles and the creativity of its teachers and staff.

The producer of the video Giselle Sinnott, who is the Subject Leader of Drama and Teacher of English, said the following with regards to the creation of the video;

"Essentially the idea arose from the need to reach out to our students, something as teachers we are used to doing, but for once without a classroom or an assembly hall. The song was an easy choice, as it epitomises everything teaching and more specifically St Edward's School stand for. We are a community who believe we need to stand together, support each other and 'Be One'. I gave the challenge for staff to send in creative, short clips, with the only proviso being that each one must have something thrown and caught. A simple metaphor; if you fall, we will catch you."

You can watch the full video here.
We hope you enjoy the video as much as we did here at the DBE.

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