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Launching out

by Michael Ford last modified 29 Jan, 2021 01:38 PM

Many of our parishes have developed ever-stronger links and partnerships as they to make a difference in their communities. For some, hard work over years is paying highly visible dividends.

In the urban parish of Southbroom in Devizes, a new era of outreach is beginning.

The Revd Dr Keith Brindle says:

"The refurbishment of our new community centre is complete, and the official opening will happen on Saturday the 30th January, with a short online Launch Event premiering on YouTube at 10.00am, to which you are warmly invited.

"(The great thing about it being online is you can stay in your PJs and enjoy your breakfast at the same time.)

"It may feel like opening St James Centre (SJC) online and during a national lockdown is not the best way to launch a new community centre for Devizes, but we believe now is as good a time as any because we...

  • Want to show off our new centre and thank everyone involved in its transformation
  • Believe SJC will be a place where individuals, groups and charities will be able to help our community to flourish, and will be especially needed immediately after the pandemic
  • Want you to consider how you may be able to flourish as well as support our community through what SJC offers

"At the launch, our MP Danny Kruger will open SJC, Bishop Andrew will pray for its future and bless it, and you’ll get a guided virtual tour of the building and its facilities. We will also hear from others who have been involved in SJC’s transformation and will be involved in its future use. We may even throw in a bit of fun in the mix too.

"It would be great to have you join us for the launch of what we hope will become a valuable asset to the social fabric of Devizes."

To join the live launch on YouTube, click here just before 10.00am this Saturday, 30th January.

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