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Knitting It Together

by Michael Ford last modified 08 Jan, 2020 11:38 AM

One Wiltshire benefice turned to its prolific knitters for help provide a little Christmas gift for the youngest members of their communities.

Each year hundreds of Nativity figures are knitted to give out to Wiltshire pre-school and toddler children visiting our churches around Bradford Upon Avon.

The Revd Ann Keating, Rector of North Bradford on Avon and Villages takes up the story:

"We started with sheep, moved on to angels and then stars and this year donkeys were tackled.

"Knitted, sewn, lovingly made by Winsley women joined by others from our villages, Bradford on Avon and Bath, some of these decorated the font in St Nicholas before our service for our local PreSchool Acorns.

Knitting it Together- the font

"Every child chooses a donkey to use during the Nativity story and then takes theirs home. According to his mother, one little boy has slept with his angel under his pillow every night since he was given one 2 years ago!

"I had promised them an easier nativity figure to make next year, but they are so keen, they have already started on knitted chicks for Easter! God bless them!"

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