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Knitted Crosses

by Michael Ford last modified 17 Apr, 2021 12:08 AM

Parishioners at St Thomas' Trowbridge have been getting their needles out as they celebrate Eastertide.

Deanery Representative Barbara Hakes explains:

"Having received the email for Anna Chaplaincy I flicked through it to see what might catch my eye. I saw the article on Knitted Crosses and so put forward the suggestion that some of our church members here at St Thomas, Trowbridge could have a go.

"A request was placed in our weekly newsletter and the ladies followed through by getting the knitting needles clicking away. Joining us was one of the ladies from another of our churches, St John’s West Ashton.

"We only have 2 Care/ Nursing Homes in our parish but our LLM, who visits to give Communion, made contact and ascertained numbers of residents and whether they would be happy to receive the crosses.

"Another of the ladies designed a card with Psalm 23, instructions on how to use the cross and a message from St Thomas’ folks, and printed them out. The weekend prior to Easter my living room was covered in 100 cards, envelopes and multi-coloured crosses!

"It had been so refreshing seeing each of the ladies delivering their works of art and having an all too brief, socially-distanced chat. The crosses and cards were then placed in the envelopes and packed up in baskets to be delivered on the Wednesday so that they could be quarantined prior to handing out to the residents and staff who wanted one.

"Our prayer was that each Cross would enable the recipient to focus on our Lord, especially at this poignant time of year. It was an enjoyable project and our thanks go to the originator for sowing the seed."

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