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Keep us in the Picture!

by Michael Ford last modified 19 Mar, 2020 09:02 PM

Church is changing but, as Bishop Nicholas says, it is not closing and we want to get this message out.

Keep us in the Picture!

Original photo courtesy revdmattrenyard on Instagram

We want to know how you are doing "Church" in your community. How are you reaching out and stepping up to the challenges we face?

Are you live-streaming, using YouTube, finding ways to connect online, or offering your building for other community uses, like a foodbank?

Whatever you are doing, we want to know about it.

If you use social media, please post with the hashtag #dosalchurchischanging so we can share your story with others in our Diocese, and do let us know what you are up to, however small - we want to know.

Cancelling an event because of coronavirus? Then let us know and we will publicise it for you.

If you have posted an event in What's On and decide to postpone or cancel, then do let us know so we can update or remove it from our next edition.


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