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Kadugli in the news

by Michael Ford last modified 13 Nov, 2020 10:06 PM

Our links with the Episcopal Church in Sudan and South Sudan continue to deepen in depth, detail and mutual support at a local level. The Sudan Link Committee in our Bradford Deanery publish a regular newsletter.

Kadugli is an Anglican Diocese in Sudan, overseen by Archbishop Ezekiel Kondo, Bishop Andudu Adam Elnail and Bishop Hassan Osman. This year has seen internal strife and natural disasters threaten security in the area, in addition to the pandemic.

Kadugli Newsletter Editor Pippa Smith says:

"After the disturbances earlier in the year it is good that we have no recent reports of violence. Bishop Hassan’s work of reconciliation seems to be being blessed. The effects of the violence both this year and in the past need to be made good.

"Judging by the statistics, Sudan has not been too badly affected by the pandemic, and if the cities of Khartoum and Omdurman were worst hit Kadugli, 400 miles away, suffered far less, which is a cause for thanksgiving.

"Similarly, Kadugli has not been affected by the widespread flooding of the Nile.

"Nevertheless, the effects of the violence linger, and the Rooted in Jesus courses have struggled. A planned conference and training course to launch Book 2 of the course in October did not take place, though a fresh one is being planned.

Kadugli in the news- Peace Primary School

"Encouragingly, registration of pupils for the Peace Primary School (see picture) has started, and they are planning to open 3 classes this year. Some of the poorest families will have difficulties in raising the money for the fees for their children, and we want to help with this. Could you and your church help?

"Much of the work of organising things falls on Bishop Hassan and the Diocesan Secretary Babuj Simon. It can entail attending various committees, an experience we share with them! Babuj has recently been elected to represent the Inter-Church Committee, and he and Bishop Hassan also attended a standing committee meeting held in All Saints Cathedral Khartoum. As Babuj comments “It was a very busy time, full of tasks."

"Babuj asks us to pray for the church in South Kordofan in general (South Kordofan is the civil province in which the Diocese of Kadugli lies) as it is short of well-qualified leaders.

"He asks that especially at this time God will support the church with very good leaders who emphasise the importance of spiritual activities and have a big vision for spiritual transformation. Amen to that!

"And let us remember that just as we pray for our brothers and sisters in Kadugli, they too pray for us."

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