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Joining The BIG Sleep At Home

by Michael Ford last modified 19 Feb, 2021 10:33 AM

On Friday 5th March, Alabaré is holding The BIG Sleep at Home to raise funds and awareness for the increasing plight of homelessness, and we have been contacted by a number of parishes.

After our previous story, Keith Foster, a member of St Mary’s Alderbury told us:

"I will be taking part in the Big Sleep in March, and am planning to sleep outside on a raised bed in our back garden for the night (if a torrential storm arrives I will transfer to join bedding plants in the greenhouse!). I am fortunate to be able to choose to sleep like this for just one night and to come inside my warm, dry house to recover the next morning. Many people through no fault if their own do not have this choice.

"Alabaré does a fantastic job supporting vulnerable, homeless and marginalised people. The need for the work of organisations like Alabaré has increased tremendously in the last year, whilst their ability to raise funds has decreased. This is our opportunity to support them in this work. If you are able, please visit my JustGiving webpage and give a donation to support the vital work of this local charity."

Sheila Warrander, member of St Thomas’s Salisbury will be sleeping in her cellar to mark her 80th birthday last November. She says:

"I promised to sleep out when I was 80 and have chosen to sleep in a cellar which will be cold and lonely but only for one token night. I initiated the first Cathedral Sleep Out in 2007 when Mayor and am delighted it has continued ever since. I have been involved with Alabaré for 20 years and they have grown so much yet still maintained excellent services."

The Revd Ali Alexander, Curate of St Thomas’s Salisbury, says she will be sleeping in her conservatory.

These and others join the ranks of Bishop Andrew, newly-appointed Alabaré Patron Revd Joanna Jepson (while on duty as Army Chaplain), Stratford sub Castle's Ted Uren (sleeping on a garden bench), Wimborne's Revd Sharon Boyle and Salisbury Plain Rector Eleanor Rance (both doing the BIG Sleep with their families).

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