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Join the prayer chain for Climate Change

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Mar, 2020 05:07 PM

Christians around the world have begun a 10-month prayer chain for the climate ahead of COP26 summit and they are hoping it will encourage governments to act ahead of a major UN summit in Glasgow this November.

The initiative will see people praying for action to tackle climate change from the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday (26 February) until the crucial UN climate summit, COP26, being held in the UK this November.

Christians from across the denominational spectrum will come together so that, day or night, someone is praying for urgent action on climate change and for those in poor countries who have not caused the crisis to be protected.

The prayer chain began with Christian Climate Action - the Christian arm of Extinction Rebellion - holding a round-the-clock vigil outside Parliament in central London during the 40 days of Lent and organisers are also hoping that time will be set aside during this summer’s Lambeth Conference for attending Anglican bishops to take part.

It is being led by Christian Aid with support from fellow charities CAFOD and Tearfund, plus the Lutheran World Federation, the Church of Sweden, the World Council of Churches and many others.

Ruth Valerio, author of our Lent Book 'Saying Yes to Life', on which the Church of England's #Livelent campaign is based said:

“I believe strongly that change happens when we pray. This is such a key year where we really need to see action, so would you join us in a year of prayer? We need to stand together and pray.”

Former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams said:

“I hope that this year’s global prayer chain can show how the human family can come together in serving the good of all its members – not just those who are protected and privileged.”

Dr Williams is also Chair of Christian Aid and will be taking part in the chain. He added:

“Climate justice means ensuring that the security and well-being of our brothers and sisters in poorer countries is not compromised by the actions of those in richer ones. The Christian Church is a community in which people from the entire globe are connected together at the deepest level; and it is this that both allows us and compels us to speak a prophetic word into our present situation.

“2020 is a crucial year: the COP26 climate summit is a decisive moment in the history of our care for the creation."

A website has been set up so that individuals can book slots and log their prayer time, with churches, small groups, individuals and families encouraged to join in. Click here to take a look.

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