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Home News Jill Hopkinson steps down as Tutor at Sarum College

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Jill Hopkinson steps down as Tutor at Sarum College

by Michael Ford last modified 16 Mar, 2022 04:18 PM

After a time of careful reflection, Dr Jill Hopkinson has decided to step down as Tutor in Rural Ministry and Director of Studies at the Centre for Formation in Ministry at Sarum College, following the recurrence of a serious back problem.

We wish Jill well in these next stages of her journey of recovery and working life as she takes on a home based public policy advisory role. Her last day will be Friday 22 April 2022Jill commented: 

"I have very much enjoyed my time at Sarum College, working within the excellent team across the whole College and will miss being with the wonderful student body. I look forward to seeing the work of Sarum College and the Rural Pathway go from strength to strength."

James Woodward added:

"The success of the rural pathway has been almost entirely due to the skill, experience and hard work of Jill Hopkinson. Her professionalism and learning have enriched the Sarum Centre for Formation in Ministry and we will very much miss all that she has contributed to the life of the formation of women and men for authorised ministry. We wish Jill well and promise to preserve and develop her legacy as we move forward."

Bishop Karen wrote, 

"Jill has made a significant contribution to our diocesan Rural Hope Project, for which we are immensely grateful.  She has brought her passion for rural ministry and expertise to enable us to establish a rural training pathway at Sarum College, which is attracting lay leaders and ordinands to gain the right skills for a future ministry a the rural landscape.  We wish Jill well in her new role and thank her for all that she has given to us."

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