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Home News It's Fairtrade Fortnight next week...

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It's Fairtrade Fortnight next week...

by Michael Ford last modified 18 Feb, 2021 07:19 PM

And you can 'Choose the world you want' by getting involved with this year's campaign, which will be an online festival.

There are dozens of free festival events to dive into, coming from all corners of our global Fairtrade community. From quizzes and expert panel discussions to live music and Q&As with Fairtrade farmers, each event is a unique chance to explore climate, Fairtrade, and choices open to you.

With international climate summits like COP26 coming to the UK this year, there is an unmissable opportunity to push world leaders to deliver urgently needed support for those already feeling the worst effects of the climate crisis- farmers and workers who are often behind familiar supermarket staples like bananas, chocolate and coffee.

An unjust global trade system means many simply aren’t earning enough to adapt to a changing climate which – through increasingly extreme weather patterns, rising temperatures and more deadly plant diseases – poses an immediate threat to their livelihoods. Many farmers and workers do not earn enough for the basics like critical medical care, decent food and education for their children.

Fairtrade's Stefan Donnelly says:

"We need to change this – the people behind our food deserve a much fairer deal, and it’s never been more urgent that they get it. Choosing that fairer deal for people and the planet is what the Choose the world you want festival is all about – and together we can do it.

"The challenge is huge. But if we’ve learned one thing in the past year it’s that our global Fairtrade movement can make a real difference in a crisis.
For communities across the world facing the devastating consequences of the Coronavirus pandemic, Fairtrade has been a lifeline.

"The extra powers, fairer payment and global solidarity offered by Fairtrade has meant more Fairtrade farmers and workers with the resources to offer vital relief to local communities facing extreme hardship.

"And now, every part of our Fairtrade movement – from major supermarkets and Ghanaian Fairtrade banana growers to faith groups and Fairtrade Schools – is bringing that same energy, determination and solidarity to the Choose the world you want festival.

"We want everyone to choose a better future for those farmers and workers facing the twin crises of the pandemic and accelerating climate change.
Step into the festival to find out how you can play your part."

Visit the festival here.

It's Fairtrade Fortnight next week [banner]

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