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"It's a God Issue"

by Michael Ford last modified 23 Oct, 2019 11:53 AM

From the Vicar using pedal power to turn a liquidiser, to devoting Sunday sermons to the topic of caring for God's earth, All Saints Swanage takes their response to the Climate Emergency very seriously.

The Revd Andrew Corke, Team Vicar at All Saints and the man who made a smoothie not by electricity but by pedalling a bike to turn a liquidiser (the smoothie was delicious by the way), tells us more:

"At All Saints Swanage we have been taking a long look at our response to the Climate Emergency – because above all it’s a God issue. Because as Christians the best reason of all to take the Environment seriously is not a matter of politics or ecology – it’s because God has given us a beautiful world to look after and we’ve spent the last few centuries damaging and exploiting it.

"So this Autumn we’ve been having a series in our Sunday services called ‘Caring for God’s Earth’ - why we have a biblical calling as Christians to obey the Creation Mandate to care for the Earth, Living Sustainably, Eating Sustainably and finally Justice for the Poor - with Jack Wakefield from Tearfund - because environmental problems always impact the world’s poor far more than the rest of us.

"Each week in addition to the sermon, Lucy Vierbergen, who is the All Saints Eco-Champion, has given us some pointers and practical advice about what we can all do to lessen our individual impact on the environment.

The church was also present at the Love Swanage Environment Day.

"It was brilliant to welcome Sustainable Swanage to All Saints for their second Environment Day on 12 October.

"There was a host of interesting stands and stalls – Dorset Wildlife Trust, Durlston Country Park and lots of other organisations shared ideas about how we can care for our beautiful environment better.

"Sustainable Swanage has a goal to plant 1500 trees in Swanage. 

It's a God issue- Finley plants a crab apple tree with the Town Crier

"The very first one was planted in the church grounds by Finley Shockley (aged 8) of St Mark’s School, ably assisted by Andrew Fleming, Swanage Town Crier as well as being a member of All Saints.

"It’s a crab apple, which in due time will flourish and produce lots of crab apples as well as helping to reduce carbon in the environment. Well done Finley and Andrew!"

If you would like to hear any of the talks they are available on the All Saints website.

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