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Home News Is God calling you?

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Is God calling you?

by Michael Ford last modified 31 Jan, 2020 12:15 PM

Maybe you are wondering if you could lead worship or how you might be able to come alongside someone in bereavement or visit someone who is lonely or unwell.

You may be aware of skills in planning or in administration and wonder how they could be used in your local church. Others may have suggested you think about church leadership.

At the beginning of March we offer another opportunity for those who would like to explore how God may be calling them into a role within their local church or community.

The Vocations team offers regular days to explore if God may be calling you and what that might look like.

We discover our call in the Bible, in the lives of others, and in thinking about our own journey.

The next opportunity is at Church House in Salisbury on Saturday 7th March from 10-3pm.

It is good to speak to your parish priest in advance of coming along, and essential that you book your place by emailing or speaking to Andrea on 01722 411944.

You are also welcome to contact the vocations coordinator for more information before the event: Ronnie Crossman, on 07469 853376.

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