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Home News Iona Pilgrimage 2021

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Iona Pilgrimage 2021

by Michael Ford last modified 01 Nov, 2021 03:11 PM

Led by Bishop Karen over four days and 10,000 miles, 45 pilgrims from the Diocese journeyed together to the Isle of Iona.

Options included bicycle and bus. Most pilgrims opted for the latter! 

From 21st – 25th October, Bishop Karen and the Revd Louise Ellis, Vicar of Lilliput led the expedition, traveling through St Columba’s BayStaffa, Mull and Iona Abbey, known for its 'peaceful location, beautiful granite buildings, unique cloister carvings and Celtic crosses'. 

While in Iona, the group spent time praying and reflecting on the upcoming COP26 conference and exploring how we can tread gently on the earth, and honour God as creator and sustainer by the way we live. 

Iona Pilgrimage 2021- sunset

At one point, Bishop Karen said: 

"Morning has broken on Iona. Worship with the Community in the abbey and my reflection for the day back at the hotel on the presence and protection of God." 

Also on the pilgrimage was the Revd Jo Naish, who joined the group after completing an epic bike ride from Tisbury to Scotland! 

Iona Pilgrimage 2021- the Revd Jo Naish charity cycle fundraising

Check out #ionapilgrim or #dosalpilgrimage on Twitter and Facebook for more images. 

Iona Pilgrimage 2021- Photo courtesy inclusivechrist on Twitter, via ionacommunity
Photo courtesy inclusivechrist on Twitter, via ionacommunity

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