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Into the Wonder Zone

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Sep, 2020 11:39 AM

Church Holiday Clubs are a popular tradition in our parishes and so this year, with the restrictions and social distancing in place, a lot have simply gone online.

And it seems it was the right decision, with many reporting record numbers attending.

At St John's Church Pewsey, they have just finished a week of online Holiday Club based around the SU resource 'Wonder Zone'.

Iain Gutteridge who help lead the event as wacky scientist Professor Bang alongside his colleague Professor Boom (Heidi Gorvin) explains:

"At the outset we were skeptical about how much engagement we could get, compared to the usual excitement of holiday club, but God worked in amazing ways - parents too seemed grateful for a little more structure in the holidays.

"We pre-recorded videos with wacky science experiments, craft activities, prayer and general mad fun. Then asked families to sign up in advance so we could send out activity packs, prepared with all that they needed for the crafts; activity sheets; suggestions for home experiments and team badges.

"The packs were all hand delivered. Our usual real-world club has been steadily growing in numbers, last year 65 children came, so we were really pleased when 45 signed up for an online version.

"Through the week the children learned about The Fun of Discovery with the story of Solomon; The Wonders of the Universe (Psalm 8); The Light of the World (Jesus heals the blind man); and All creatures Great and Small (the Creation story), and it seems the children had a wonderful time.

"We've kept the videos up on our website along with downloads for some of the activities for anyone still wanting to join in, even if they can't be in a team."

View them here.

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