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Interacting with Jesus

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Feb, 2019 12:51 PM

“I just never thought Jesus and technology could ever go together” was just one of the positive reactions delivered by Wiltshire school children at the highly interactive ‘Life Exhibition’ hosted by St John’s Pewsey.

The children and teachers from over 16 local schools explored the story of Jesus and his relevance in today’s world through the interactive tablets, QR codes, graphics, quizzes, films, songs and a discussion café.

Set up and facilitated by the Deanery Outreach Group and a host of wonderful volunteers, the highly interactive exhibition was designed and provided by the Westbury-based Charity ‘Counties’ and helped by funding from the Aldhelm Mission Fund.

While some were moved by the video which sensitively deals with the death and resurrection of Jesus in the ‘Life Giver’ zone, others enjoyed the space to talk in the discussion café or explore the various zones (‘Life Line’, ‘Life Talks’, ‘Life Works’) that were being hosted by volunteers.

Steve Inglis, who attended the exhibition on behalf of the Rural Hope Team, said:
“With so many different access points for people, it is a fantastic, locally based resource that has engaged children and adults in exploring the life of Jesus.

“And as one enthusiastic volunteer put it “It is a wonderfully interactive set-up that harnesses modern technology as a platform for faith-sharing and exploration!”

You can find out more about the exhibition on the Counties website or by following this link.

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