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"Inspiring Liturgy"

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Jun, 2019 04:24 PM

One of the many Parish representatives who attended the first Diocesan Service of Thanksgiving for Safeguarding has spoken of the inspiring nature of the service.

"Inspiring Liturgy"

Photo by Ash Mills

Elizabeth Ingram said:

"We were privileged to be invited to Salisbury Cathedral by Bishop Nicholas and the Dean accompanied by the Archdeacons to share in a Eucharist of Thanksgiving and Commissioning of Parish Safeguarding Officers, together with the Training Team.

"Importantly during inspiring liturgy and hymns we were able to pray for all survivors of abuse; families and church communities who have experienced such traumatic events; for perpetrators and for those wrongfully accused. Bishop Nicholas also spoke of the failure of the whole church in the past and that it is our duty to join to prevent any further abuse.

"Bishop Nicholas mentioned particularly the invaluable work of Heather Bland the Diocesan Adviser in leading the work and training of over 3,000 volunteers so that we as a Church continue to learn how to better protect children, young persons and adults who are vulnerable.

"Carol Weaver our Safeguarding Officer was present when we heard the Bishop in his Introduction and Sermon movingly acknowledge the often complex and difficult work, and to thank all those who contribute on our behalf to making our churches safe places for everyone."

See photos by Ash Mills here

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