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In the Pink

by Michael Ford last modified 16 Oct, 2019 01:30 PM

One of our Wiltshire Clergy is turning pink to raise money for breast cancer.

The Revd Jo Reid, Team Vicar of the Savernake Team, is dyeing her hair for a charity which is very personal to her:

"This summer my Mum was diagnosed with breast cancer. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Friday 18th October is Breast Cancer Awareness Day.

"To raise funds for the "Breast Cancer Now" charity, I’m Going Pink for three weeks."

Jo, who paid a visit to the hairdresser to have her hair dyed bright pink, said her church team was determined to make sure she went ahead with her plans:

"A member of my congregation at St Andrew’s Church, Collingbourne Ducis, is going along with with me for moral support and as photographer and my Churchwarden has already contacted the Gazette & Herald and will be submitting a piece with pictures to them after the deed is done!"

Jo has also set up a Just Giving Page to raise £1000.

"So far I’ve raised £750. I’m really hoping to smash the £1000 barrier!"

And it seems everyone in Jo's parishes are joining in the fundraising effort:

"I’m visiting my schools on Wednesday to do collective worship, and the children have been asked to bring £1 in to help my cause!"

You can contribute to Jo's fundraising effort here.

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