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"I will keep watch"

by Michael Ford last modified 16 Apr, 2019 05:13 PM

What is a picture of a man in a flat cap outside a Manchester mosque doing in a church in Poole, Dorset?

"I will keep watch"

Original photo courtesy @hey_whatsoever on Twitter

The answer is that it is part of a Holy Week art exhibition that will be used to represent how Jesus' words relate to us now.

The exhibition at St James' Church Poole, one of a series of paintings by Church Artist Ali Hutchison to help people reflect on some of the themes of Holy Week and Easter.

Revd Lucy Holt, Rector of St James explained the picture of the flat capped man:

"You may have read the moving story of Andrew Graystone from Manchester who stood outside a mosque in Manchester after the Christchurch attacks with a sign saying 'I will keep watch while you pray.'

"A portrayal of this event is one of a series of paintings by Church Artist Ali Hutchison to help people reflect on some of the themes of Holy Week and Easter.

"The Christian message of hope and resurrection is one which is really needed in our society at the moment which is torn and divided. The words of Jesus which we think of during Holy Week are incredibly relevant to our situation. This art helps us focus on these words and puts them into our own context."

The artwork represents as well as the Andrew Graystone titled #keep watch, a chiropodist who works with the Homeless (#do this), a potters hand molding a pot (#thy will) and a reflection on forgiveness with reference to our present political situation (#forgive).

The artwork will be on display in the Church from this coming Monday until Ascension Day, 30 May. More here

The original tweet about Andrew Graystone is here.

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