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How then shall we live?

by Michael Ford last modified 06 Apr, 2022 07:41 PM

Hilary Bond (Associate Priest, Wareham) is a member of the Diocesan Environment Group and has written the next in a series about caring for God’s wonderful creation.

Some years ago I was asked to contribute a green tip for a Sunday pew sheet. I suggested that we might all try out a vegetarian recipe during the course of the week I had not imagined that this might be a contentious suggestion after all, I wasn’t suggesting that we should never eat meat again or anything. However, after the service, I found myself under attack from someone who felt the need to find out if I was vegetarian (at that time I wasn’t and felt a little sheepish having to admit it), and then to explain me why becoming vegetarian was not possible for them. Thinking back later, I realised that both of us felt that our way of life was being criticised and we didn’t like it! 

Not long after this, I discovered a lovely free app called Giki zero. It is bright and colourful and fun and also serious. It asks me questions about every aspect of how I live my life from what I eat, to how often I use my washing machine, to where I invest my money. It works out for me what my impact is on God’s earth, and makes suggestions about how I might lessen that impact. It also tells me how my carbon footprint compares with the UK and global averages. It doesn’t make me feel criticised but it is quite challenging, and I have to be honest about my lifestyle and sincere in my wish to change – which is not always easy. But then, Jesus never said that doing the right thing was going to be easy.  

You can link to the Giki website here, if case you would like to have a go with it too. Please do: as Christians, we are called to act justly, have mercy, and walk humbly with our God. Our lifestyle choices can be part of bringing that justice and mercy to all of creation. 

Here are a couple of other useful websites to have a look at and see which ones might work for you. And, of course, dont forget to make a start on Eco Church if you’re not involved already. 

  •  A great tool for churches, charities and small businesses here. 
  • Work out your carbon footprint here.   
  • Eco Church details here. 

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