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Hospitality, friendship, and Creation

by Michael Ford last modified 12 Sep, 2020 09:48 PM

As an Eco Diocese, we treasure those who pioneer a gentler way of life - even if that means them holding their ground.

Hospitality, friendship, and Creation

Photo courtesy @bishsherborne on Twitter

The Revd Hilary Bond was recently licensed by Bishop Karen, who said on social media:

"Really good to licence Hilary Bond this afternoon as Associate Pioneer Priest in the Wareham Team at a social distanced open air service at East Holme. Here she is with a symbol of her ministry made by a friend. Hospitality, the earth, friendship, God’s creation and the sea."

[see photo]

Hilary herself was in reflective mood, saying:

"I suppose being licensed as a pioneer was always going to be a bit different - and Bishop Karen had given me permission to be “creative” with the service. So we met outside on a gently warm and sunny afternoon, ensconced in camping chairs or sprawled on rugs.

"I got to share a bit of my vision for what this ministry might look like and Ruth Wells read one of her poems that perfectly sums up the picture that has been with me for a while of a table where there is always room for someone else and no such thing as a silly question.
"There was a story about the recent Christian Climate Action prayer vigil in London, and prayers with a beautiful Creation-themed prop that reflected the possibilities of this ministry [see photo].

"The gospel reading was the story of Peter walking on water with Jesus - pioneering often feels a bit like that and it’s my favourite gospel story. The necessary words were said and the license handed over.

"Now for a bit of creative hanging about, a lot of listening and building relationships, and we’ll see what God does with it."

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