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Holy Stardust

by Michael Ford last modified 23 Oct, 2019 11:28 AM

There is a touch of Holy Stardust coming to Sherborne Abbey next month.

Canon Angela Tilby, a regular contributor to Radio 4’s 'Thought for the Day' is coming to the Abbey to give a talk with this unusual title.

Holy Stardust is taken from her essay published in 'Living the Mystery', edited by Jeffrey John. In the essay, she explored the apparent conflict between science and religion, and the reliance of both on order, relativity, indeterminacy and chaos. She challenged "cosy ecclesiologies which condemn technology and science in order to keep our naivety intact" and asked, "Where are the apologists who can interpret this world?"

Angela Tilby spent 22 years as a producer with the BBC’s Religious Affairs department before being ordained. She served as the vicar of St Bene't's church in Cambridge and is Canon Emeritus of Christchurch Cathedral, Oxford.

In a world that demands evidence for faith, and where human concern has taken the place of piety how can the church express her gospel? Come and find out!

Angela will be talking on November Monday 4th. All lectures begin at 7.30pm in the Digby Church Hall, Digby Rd, Sherborne, DT9 3NL unless stated otherwise.

Tickets are available online

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