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Home News Hilfield Youth Camp 2021

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Hilfield Youth Camp 2021

by Michael Ford last modified 30 Apr, 2021 11:53 PM

An annual fixture for young people in this Diocese is now booking for August.

Lead Diocesan Adviser for Work with Children and Young People, Lizzie Whitbread says:

"Bookings are now open and as always it is right in the middle of the holidays 14th-22nd August.

"Please do pass the info onto any families who you have contact with who have teenager young people aged 13-17 (school Year 8 and up) that might be interested in attending. Young people come from all over the country come so do pass on the info to grandparents you know, as they may have grandchildren who live elsewhere.

"The camp is run by an experienced team of volunteers (including me!), and it offers up to 60 young people the chance of a low cost, fun holiday in stunning surroundings, while exploring a Christian theme.

"This camp is built on friendship, community and faith and is held at Hilfield Friary, so draws on the Franciscan tradition. The young people are involved in all aspects of the camp from cooking meals to planning and leading worship. All the young people are supported to get fully involved and to use the gifts and skills they bring, as well as getting involved in lots of activities throughout the day and evening, including trips to the beach, adventure activities, challenges and games.

"Through all this, the leadership has a caring and encouraging style, allowing individuals to express their feelings and positively recognise the validity of their own views and ask questions about faith and life.

"I am very happy to talk with you or any groups of young people or parents who would like further information."

The camp costs £130 for the full 9 days if booked before 1st May, and £150 if booked May – July. This includes all activities and food. If anyone would struggle with the full cost of the camp then please do get in touch as financial help may be possible.

Info, bookings and inquiries are all via

Lizzie adds:

"Please do pass this on to anyone who may be interested – young people can come as individuals or with friends and as groups. There are normally about 40 -60 people on the camp, so everyone gets to know each other really quickly.

"With the slow lifting of restrictions we are very hopeful we will be able to run this year but appreciate it is an uncertain time to book things for the summer, for this reason we will not be asking for a deposit this year but will take full payment nearer the time."

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