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Home News Hilfield Youth Camp 2019

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Hilfield Youth Camp 2019

by Michael Ford last modified 21 May, 2019 06:06 PM

The Youth Camp at Hilfield Friary has run for over 40 years and provides a real opportunity for teenagers aged 13 -18 (school year 8 to 13) to explore faith, questions and doubts in a fun and safe environment.

The camp is run by a team of volunteers, and individuals or groups of young people come from all over the country to camp in the Friary grounds.

All the participants get fully involved in all aspects of the camp, such as cooking, planning and helping lead worship. There are also lots of activities throughout the week, including trips, games, and creative workshops.

Lizzie Whitbread, Senior Diocesan Adviser for Work with Children and young people has been involved in the camp for the last 7 years and highly recommends it, particularly for those of you with smaller groups or individual young people.

"The young people are given real opportunities to question and explore their faith, questions and doubts as well as take on leadership and develop their skills and gifts," she says.

"They also have an opportunity to experience something of the life of the Hilfield community, join in with some of their worship and experience a bit about Franciscan spirituality. The small nature of the camp means even those who do not come as part of a group are quickly included."

The Camp runs from 10 to 18 August.

If you or any young people or parents would like further information or to book a place, take a look at the website or get in touch via .

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