Here to Support You!
Ready to help with that big question: What is God calling me to do? As you seek ways to encourage gifting and build a team in your communities, the Vocations Team are here to help.
We are delighted to let you know that there is now a diverse team of Vocations Mentors and Advisors spread across the Diocese, both lay and ordained, ready to help with that big question:
What is God calling me to do?
Vocations Mentors
The Mentors walk alongside explorers who are in those very early stages of seeking to answer this question. These friendly and informal conversations look at calling in its broadest sense and explore all forms of ministry, from youth workers, wardens, PCC officers and treasurers to commissioned or licensed ministry. And everything in between!
Vocations Advisors
For licensed ministry, lay or ordained, the Vocations Advisors offer more in-depth discernment, through a series of conversations.
Vocations Events in your patch
The Vocations team would be pleased to have a conversation about ways we can support events in your local context, to help encourage people to think about God’s calling on their lives.
Come and Explore Zoom Events
A safe space for people to reflect together and find out more about the myriad of opportunities to serve God and help build God’s Kingdom in this place. Next dates:
Thursday 27 January 7.00pm - 9.00pm
Saturday 19 March 10.00am - 12 noon
Please feel free to contact Vocations Co-Ordinators:
Louise Ellis: 07826 572764
Claire Horton: 07469 853376
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