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Helping Travellers

by Michael Ford last modified 02 Apr, 2020 07:49 PM

Our Chaplain to Gypsies and Travellers in Dorset and Wiltshire has spoken about the effect of the coronavirus pandemic on those he ministers to, and how you might help.

The Revd Jonathan Herbert said:

"After lobbying from Traveller organisations, Central Government has agreed to suspend all evictions to help stop the spread of COVID 19.

"Dorset Council, I'm pleased to say, had already agreed to do so.

"In terms of supporting people in vans and in encampments, the first thing people always need is a supply of clean water.

"So, if churches in particular can give access to outdoor taps, that would be great. Also for van dwellers, access to firewood might help.

"People will usually have food but if people's work has been suspended they might need food. Where people have children, pens, paints books toys etc might be appreciated."

But he issues this advice to those who want to offer help:

"When approaching people in vans and trailers it's always good to let people you know you're coming; a friendly shout from a distance is always appreciated, and watch out for dogs!"

For more information, contact Jonathan on 07767 760182 or .

Our Councils are also very anxious that vulnerable groups are protected, and there are already strong links with the Gypsy and Traveller Community, as well as those working with people with addictions. If you are aware of any other vulnerable groups who need special help, please email with details to
(for Dorset)
(for Wiltshire)

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