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Help us to save lives

by Michael Ford last modified 24 Jul, 2020 05:04 PM

We are now more than half-way through our Emergency Appeal for the Sudans and we need your help to reach our £50,000 target.

We launched the Appeal at the start of the month after receiving this shocking statement from Archbishop Ezekiel Kondo in Khartoum:

“They would rather die of Covid-19 than hunger.”

While inflation and starvation is reaching record levels in Sudan, poor sanitation in the refugee camps means the coronavirus is able to spread freely among a weakened population.

Meanwhile, lockdown means that the healthy are unable to work and what wages they receive cannot begin to cover the inflated prices for even basic foodstuffs.

Many are hungry. Many cannot feed their families. Many fear contracting a virus in a country where there are less than 10 ventilators available for the whole population.

That's why our Appeal is for FOOD and SOAP.

Your money can provide food for our brothers and sisters in the Sudans who are starving.

It can provide the same things we have to keep us safe from the virus.

It can buy materials so their Mothers' Union members can make 20,000 masks and help to buy other PPE.

It can pay for lifesaving sanitisers and basic hand washing facilties.

Please give what you can, even the smallest donation could save a life.

Donate at;

Watch Bishop Nicholas's video appeal here.

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