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Help for emergency roof repairs

by Michael Ford last modified 16 Jan, 2020 02:40 PM

The Diocese has stepped in to help after a Wiltshire church found itself in a desperate situation with its roof close to collapse.

Amesbury Abbey (also known as St Mary and St Melor), who were already fundraising to repair the roof, has launched an emergency appeal after discovering that their roof is in such a poor condition that it requires urgent repair work and is at a high risk of collapse.

Mark Verbinnen has been leading a fundraising team for the last 18 months to try and save the roof, but in the last 24 hours, after a meeting with architects and engineers, things have become desperate.

He said: "The roof is held up by giant wooden trusses. The conclusion now is that the damage to the middle truss requires urgent repair, as it is at a high risk of collapse."

The Archdeacon of Sarum has met with the Church Wardens and Parish Priest at Amesbury Abbey and was able to explain that the Diocese is able to assist them with an immediate loan up to £50k, which may encourage other charities they have not yet approached.

The Archdeacon also said that the Diocese would provide written support for the current grant applications. He will meet with an Architect and Structural Engineer to determine an interim phased remedial works to ensure the building is safe.

Having met with the Architect, Archdeacon Alan said he had agreed with her recommendations to the PCC.

Mr Verbinnen had asked in a Facebook post why the Church of England and the Diocese could not pay for the repairs.

A statement was issued to the effect that the Church of England is made up of more than 16,000 churches, with the vast majority being Grade 1 and 2 listed. As places of worship they are central to the life of their community. Churches are maintained by the generosity of their congregations and communities who do a wonderful job in caring for and funding them. A very large number of people are involved and we are grateful for their hard work.

The Church of England has no funds centrally to maintain and repair churches, nor does the Diocese have the funds to cover the cost of the restoration and renovation of the nearly 500 churches in our area. However, support and help is available for sourcing funds and grant applications.

The PCC has been assured that, as part of the Diocese of Salisbury, the Abbey Church at Amesbury will be supported and advised in their effort to raise the finances necessary for the renewal of a wonderful building, an important part of an historic town.

At time of writing, £159,861.96 has been raised towards a £350,000 target.

For info and donations, go here.

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