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Home News Having Patience to Teach

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Having Patience to Teach

by Michael Ford last modified 16 Jul, 2019 02:57 PM

Once again this year St John’s Church in Wimborne has been visited by the Principal of Carlile College in Nairobi, Kenya, the Revd Captain Patience Wanzala.

During the 5 days she was in Dorset, she preached at the Sunday service at St John's and was extensively interviewed about the work of the College in training students from East Africa as well as finally managing to find time to visit our Cathedral.

St John's financially supports two students from South Sudan for the duration of their course at the College and the Vicar, Revd Peter Breckwoldt, is a regular visitor to the college, teaching on evangelism and church growth to around 60 students as a regular feature of his ministry each year.

While Patience was staying in Wimborne she was thrilled to visit Salisbury Cathedral for the first time, and was also taken to Moorlands Bible College where she met with the Vice-Principal Colin Bennett, and had the opportunity to speak at a Deanery Synod Meeting.

She told them that Carlile College is an important hub, training men and women for ministry across East Africa, yet the contrast could not be greater compared with Bible colleges in the UK.

But she said the College is always short of resources and support.

Many students and staff battle ill health and loneliness. Some students can be away from their family and home for over a year. Making ends meet is never easy and the prayerful and financial support of a church like St John’s is hugely appreciated.

Patience also met with local clergy at a breakfast meeting at St John’s.

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