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Home News Have you got what it takes to be a Cathedral chorister?

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Have you got what it takes to be a Cathedral chorister?

by Michael Ford last modified 08 Jan, 2019 01:07 PM

In Salisbury Cathedral’s very own version of ‘The Voice’, the Music team are holding voice trials for youngsters wanting to try out for a place in the acclaimed Cathedral Choir.

Have you got what it takes to be a Cathedral chorister?

Have you got what it takes to be a Cathedral chorister? Original photo by Ash Mills

The auditions take place all day on 19th January (boys) and 2nd February (girls) so applications should be put in as soon as possible.

The Voice Trials are open to girls and boys in Years 3 and 4, for places in the choir starting as probationers in September 2019.

David Halls, Director of Music at Salisbury Cathedral, said:
“We are very open-minded about who can apply and what skills are necessary. We are not looking for ready-made musicians, just youngsters with the right attitude, who like being team players and who have an aptitude for singing. Being part of a choir is a lot of fun, a bit like being part of the football or hockey squad.

“What the youngsters get out of an opportunity like this is a first-class education, musical and academic, and the chance to take part in broadcasts and belong to a choral family, where lots of support and encouragement is given to help the children realise their potential as singers and individuals.”

The cost of being a choir member isn’t an issue either as there are up to eight bursaries available annually, which cover 30% of the fees at Salisbury Cathedral School, with other funds available on application.

Kathy Davies, who looks after Chorister Recruitment for the Cathedral said:
“The voice trials are not as terrifying as they sound. They are more of a try-out. First off, we ask candidates to sing a short song - a hymn, carol or similar song of their own choice. We are not really fussed what they sing - someone sang ‘Walking in the Air’ from The Snowman last year - and then they’ll be asked to do some ear tests, for example. We’re not looking for polished chorister performances, just potential.”

Anyone wishing to apply can download application forms via the Cathedral website or liaise directly with Kathy Davies on 07979 378926 or .

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