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Green Health 2

by Michael Ford last modified 08 May, 2019 03:19 PM

A Green Health event is being held at Lambeth Palace again this year.

At the recent General Synod, members were encouraged to increase the Church’s environmental issues and one of the calls was to increase awareness of, and opportunities for, environmental action at all levels to strengthen outreach and engagement with the development of green health schemes.

This year's Green Health Event, which is being held on 5 June, World Environment Day, will be looking at the links between mental health treatment and therapeutic gardening and we are particular keen to encourage members of the chaplaincy community to attend.

The event will be presented in association with the Church Times, the Guild of Health and St Raphael and The Conservation Foundation’s 'Gardening Against the Odds' programme.

Those attending may be able to use the event to qualify for additional CPD credits.

If you would like more information and booking details contact .

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