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Green Call at County Show

by glynch last modified 01 Sep, 2016 05:13 PM

Bishop to call society to help government deliver environmental improvements at Dorset County Show worship

Bishop Nicholas will make a call for protecting the environment as he leads worship at the Dorset County Show this Sunday, just as the church begins a season of prayer for the care of creation.

He will speak on the need for society to help governments deliver the climate change agreement signed at the United Nations by 175 world leaders earlier this year.

Bishop Nicholas Holtam said, “The service is a chance for us to celebrate, think about, and pray for the life and work of our beautiful but fragile home. It is especially poignant as the Church around the world is celebrating a season of Creationtide, from 1 September until 4 October, where Christians of all denominations are praying about how we can better care for our world.

“To protect our planet globally, we also need to act locally. We must help our leaders deliver the agreements they have made and join people across the world doing the same in their own countries.”

Local churches will, as every year, have a tent at the show, which this year will have an Eco Church theme.

Canon Dr Jean Coates from Gillingham, the Diocese of Salisbury’s Rural Officer for Dorset, who organised the tent, said,  “We are showcasing material around the churches and the environment: explaining why protecting the environment is a Gospel imperative for Christians, and what churches are doing to cut emissions and protect wildlife.

“We hope this year’s marquee will encourage churches and people across the county to be better guardians of Planet Earth.”

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