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Home News Great Wishford school celebrates Easter

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Great Wishford school celebrates Easter

by Michael Ford last modified 20 Apr, 2022 01:06 PM

Great Wishford School were delighted to worship together as a whole school for the first time for a long while.

This had been planned as an outdoor service, so there was a collective sigh of relief when the showers that had been forecast did not appear until after the service!  

They gathered in the school playground on the afternoon of the last day of term and the children told the Easter story through the contents of 10 plastic eggs. In groups of three, one pupil read a Bible verse, another held up the object that had been concealed in the egg, and a third explained the significance of that object. They began in the playground, imagining it was Jerusalem, where Jesus shared his last supper with his disciples and his trial took place. 

They then processed, carrying the large cross, which the children had decorated so beautifully for St Giles’ church, across to the churchyard. Here, they first of all imagined themselves at Golgotha, where criminals were taken, and then in the place where Jesus was buried in a tomb. There, the Easter story continued, and family members and friends joined to hear of Christ’s dying on the cross and rising again on the third day. The children read a prayer they had written, and there was some wonderful singing at the end. After a tough term, it was fantastic to see the children and staff rise to the occasion with such enthusiasm. 


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