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Home News Grants for Clergy in Financial Need

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Grants for Clergy in Financial Need

by Michael Ford last modified 02 Apr, 2019 04:12 PM

A grant that can help clergy in financial need has once again been made available by Bishop Nicholas and, for the first time, single clergy have been included as eligible.

The Henry Smith Charity offers grants to "assist clergy in financial need where this could be detrimental to their ministry."

The Charity's remit goes on to say:

"The need may arise from family circumstances (eg a family with children and only one income), unusual or emergency expenditure which strains family finances (eg illness, disability, expensive car repairs) or simply the need for a family holiday after a period of stress and exhaustion whether through personal issues or the challenge of ministering in difficult parishes."

The grant is available to currently serving ordained Church of England clergy in the Diocese of Salisbury and while the charity does suggest to the Bishop that strong preference should be given to those families with only a single earner, the grant can be offered in other circumstances.

The Revd Canon Tony Monds, Chaplain to the Bishop of Salisbury said:
"We all encounter pinch points in our finances from time to time and for a variety of reasons so, if you do have a financial need whatever your circumstances, the Bishop will consider your application.

"If you would like to apply for a grant out of the Henry Smith Charity funds, then please complete the application form and return it to me, preferably by email, at The South Canonry, 71 The Close, Salisbury SP1 2ER by 9am on Friday the 12 April 2019.

"The Bishop will consider all applications as soon as possible after the 12th of April and I will be in touch if you have been awarded a grant."

While the distribution of the funds made available to the Bishop by the Henry Smith Charity does not cover retired clergy, subject to consulting first with the Charity, the Bishop may be able to make a grant to recently bereaved clergy widows and widowers from the Henry Smith funds.

The Bishop's Chaplain said:
"If you know of a widow or widower who may be in need, please do draw their attention to this possibility.

He added:
"If you presently have a financial need but do not fit the criteria for a grant from the Charity’s funds or, indeed, if you have a financial need at any time, whether or not you fit the criteria, then please do be in touch in case there may be a way for the Bishop to help. He does also have other limited funds available for distribution and wants, so far as possible, to relieve financial worries that might otherwise detract from your wellbeing and ministry."

If you would like to apply for a grant out of the Henry Smith Charity funds, then please complete the application form and return it to The Bishop's Chaplain, preferably by  or in writing to The South Canonry, 71 The Close, Salisbury SP1 2ER by 9am on Friday 12 April 2019.

Click here to download the form. If you have any difficulty, or ring the Bishop's Office on 01722 334031 to be sent a copy.

The Charity specifically prohibits the Bishop from using their grant to support:
• the cost of private education for children
• extra curricular activities for children (such as music lessons, sports lessons, or trips etc) or any associated equipment costs (such as musical instruments, sports kit etc)
• the costs for further education and post graduate education, this includes the costs of theological studies
• debt relief
• overseas trips for the purpose of mission or theological education
• overseas holidays (but modest overseas travel, for example, to make a necessary visit to a relative abroad might be considered)
• projects or grants towards the welfare of groups of clergy rather than an individual

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