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Home News Goodbye to Carole Peters-King

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Goodbye to Carole Peters-King

by ajack last modified 01 Dec, 2021 04:11 PM

On Wednesday 8th December, we say goodbye to Carole Peters-King as she leaves her role as the Diocesan Director of Communications to take up a new position with the Sailors Society.

During her time with us, Carole has worked hard to ensure that stories from local churches and schools serving their communities have been at the forefront of Grapevine and Diocesan communications. Through her work, the breadth and depth of local mission and ministry have been connected in the stories that have been told and shared and the result has been the renewing of hope across our common life.  

Alongside Grapevine, Carole has often been at the end of the phone offering support, guidance, advice and assurance from the Bishop’s Office to the local church, Carole’s ministry has touched many lives and ministry and for that we give thanks! 

We are grateful for all that Carole has done during her time with us and we wish her well and assure her of our prayers at this time of change. If you would like to make a donation towards a leaving gift please transfer your contribution to the account details below with the reference “Carole’s leaving  Gift”:




Account Number: 00007237


Sort code: 309741


Ref: Carole’s leaving Gift

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