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Good news from Syria

by Michael Ford last modified 10 Sep, 2019 05:12 PM

Despite many Christians fleeing the war in Syria, the Church is growing and Bible sales have risen.

Bible Society's Helen Crawford says:

"It's sometimes the case that in the most terrible of times, good things emerge. We see that message threaded through the Bible: amid the most dire situations, God brings good. And it's still the testimony of God's people today.

"Do you remember the terrible news reports of bombing, gas attacks and desperate refugees coming from Syria? We've had an update from George, the General Secretary of Bible Society in Syria, which we're delighted to share with you.

"'The war has led people to Christ,' George said. 'No one would have believed this when the conflict began! God has used events that people created for something good.’

"Although half of Christians in Syria fled during the war, Bible sales went up. Many houses in Aleppo were destroyed by rockets but the Bible Society bookshop was spared. Its doors have stayed open every day of the war to serve the needs of all Syrians.

"When asked who is reading all these Bibles when so many Christians have gone George said, ‘Isn’t it obvious? It’s everyone else. Those who have belonged to another religion are in search of the truth – and they find it in the Bible.’"

Bible Society has set up a Prayer Tree, with over 350 'prayer leaves' already posted in support of teams in Jordan and Lebanon, who offer Bible-based trauma healing and aid essentials to refugees fleeing war.

View the tree here

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