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"God is never defeated"

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Jun, 2020 03:47 PM

Our deaneries have been keeping in touch with their linked dioceses in the Sudans during this pandemic, and the news coming back is worrying.

Most recently, the Revd Canon David Baldwin, Rural Dean of Lyme Bay Deanery wrote to Bishop Matthew Peter Taban of the Diocese of Wonduruba in South Sudan to offer love and prayers for both Sudan and South Sudan.

David posted the Bishop's reply on social media saying:

"It puts our situation into some sort of context. The Sudans only have 5 ventilators - 3 in Sudan and 2 in South Sudan."

Bishop Matthew wrote:

"Thank you very much for your love and concerns for the people of the South Sudan, Sudan and particularly those in the Diocese of Wonduruba.

"We continue to pray that, our noble Link get more and more blessings.

"Your continuous encouragements to us has greatly empowered my Diocesan flock and my family to remain strong believing in the victorious power of our Lord Jesus over this evil Covid-19 global pandemic.

"It is worth sharing Wonduruba Diocese has been one of the badly affected by the conflict that raged on in South Sudan since 2013 December.

"We were trying to resettle after the brokered peace signed in 2018 and unfortunately, covid-19 again emerged only to add more misery and suffering to our people.

"But we are having the the conviction that, "God is never defeated" in his loving plans for the elect. Please, let us continue to hold each other closely in prayers - Amen."

You might like to offer the following prayer suggested by David:

Lord Jesus, we pray for our brothers and sisters in Wonduruba. Please protect them and through your love keep them safe tonight and always.

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