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Go the Extra Mile

by Michael Ford last modified 25 Jun, 2021 02:34 AM

Our Mothers' Union's latest fundraiser aims to raise at least £2500 this year, and is more than halfway there.

Go the Extra Mile

Rosie at the Tyndale monument

Diocesan President Rosie Stiven writes:

A little while ago, I wrote to you about our Diocesan fundraiser – Go the Extra Mile.

(Read the story on page 19, here).

Revd Jo Naish, MU Chaplain, and myself are aiming to raise £2,500 (or more, if possible) cycling and walking, out and about, this year. Well, I thought you would like to hear how we are getting on.

So far, on the JustGiving website, we have raised over £800 and, if we combine with that total, donations which have come in to the MU Office – we are looking at just over £1,600 so far! That’s amazing and a huge THANK YOU to all those who have made very generous donations.

BUT we still have a long way to go – literally! I hope to have walked 500 miles by the end of June, which is a good halfway point to my 1,000 mile target. So far, I’ve managed just over 480 miles (sorry, can’t manage metric conversion)! Yes, that’s me at the William Tyndale monument between hail showers.

Jo, on the other hand, has been whizzing around Scotland recently on her bicycle and I know she’ll be telling you more about her very impressive mileage in due course. Here is a photo of Jo at the top of a Scottish mountain together with bike!

Mothers' Union- Jo Naish in training for cycling, fundraising in Scotland

So if you haven’t already made a donation to our wonderful Diocesan Mothers’ Union, which will help us enormously to run our projects – here’s how.

Donate online here; (you may need to copy and paste into your browser to access this website)

Send a personal cheque made payable to Mothers’ Union/Sals Dioc to MU Diocesan Office, Church House, Crane Street, Salisbury, Wilts SP1 2QB (please put Extra Mile on the reverse of the cheque);

Or do a bank transfer using these details:
Bank: Lloyds
Account Name: Mothers’ Union/Sals Dioc
Sort Code: 30 97 41
Account No: 00641378
Please put your name and Extra Mile as reference.

Thank you so much.

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