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Glow in the Dark

by Michael Ford last modified 16 Oct, 2019 01:48 PM

Last week we featured some alternatives to Trick or Treating and you have come up with more.

The Lantern Church in Merley in Dorset is holding another 'Glow in the Dark' party, while the church youth group is planning to do something missional out on the streets as an alternative to trick and treating in the area.

Last year, more than 100 young people from Reception up to Year 6 joined the 'kids@thelanternchurch' team for the party, which includes food, games, crafts and lots of glow in the dark activities.

Those coming along are being invited again to dress up in something neon or glow in the dark, as when the lights go down they can really shine out.

Mike Tufnell, Team Vicar at the The Lantern Church said:

"We have our Glow in the Dark party happening on 31st October.

"Last year Ruth and her team put on an amazing event, as you can see from the photo."

Down the road at st Andrew's Kinson, they are moving their Messy Church from the 1st of November to the 31st October to incorporate a Messy Light session.

The Revd Darren Dalton said

"The children are invited to dress in bright colours or superheroes and we will be using the Bible verse John 8:12 - 'I am the Light of the World, whoever follows me will not walk in darkness'."

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