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Getting it done fast!

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Feb, 2020 04:06 PM

St Thomas's in Salisbury has posted a fascinating time-lapse of the recent extensive repair and restoration work at the ancient church.

Watch it here

The re-ordered church reopened for worship on Sunday, after it was closed to allow the work to be carried out.

The time-lapse reveals all the old pews being removed from the nave and replaced with new 3- and 5-seat bench-style pews, which it is hoped will “increase comfort” and give capacity to move seating for concerts and other events.

The time-lapse also shows the floor of the nave “patched, improved and retreated”, which the church says is the “main reason" for the prolonged closure to the floor, seating and nave altar areas.

Finally the film shows the installation of a new nave dais and altar.

Posting the video on YouTube, the church says:

"The fantastic refurbishment of St Thomas's church in Salisbury - A more versatile, living and vibrant church in the heart of the City."

In response, one parishioner commented:

"Well done St Thomas's for getting through this period. May the refurbished church continue to serve its Lord and a needy world with love and resilience. Best wishes."

The church previously launched its Quest 2020 campaign, which is still ongoing, to raise funds to carry out the various works to refurbish the building.

Major restoration work was carried out over the summer.

To date, work has included repairs to the church building, cleaning and repairs to the Doom painting, which dates from 1470, and restoration and cleaning of the ceilings to uncover the medieval paint, carved angels and memorials.

During the closure, Sunday morning services were held at Salisbury Methodist Church and Salisbury Cathedral.

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