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Getting Better, Together

by Michael Ford last modified 04 Dec, 2020 11:16 PM

TOGETHER is a new campaign that invites us all to help build a kinder, closer and more connected society in the aftermath of Covid-19.

That means one where people are connected with their community and feel a part of it. One in which increased contact builds deeper relationships and enhanced understanding, especially of those we previously saw as different.

One where connecting ideas, events and institutions underpin our communities and help us tackle loneliness and prejudice. One where our increased connections improve our well-being, our health and our social capital.

A Steering Group which will oversee its direction and evolution is chaired by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and includes a broad range of organisations and individuals from the NHS and ITV to the Scouts, Guides, the British Paralympic Association, trade unions and the CBI.

And, over 150 organisations already committed to partnering with us, from community groups, clubs and societies of all sizes, to the UK’s best known and most trusted organisations and businesses, will be involved.

The campaign is unusual in that it has started with questions, rather than providing a set of answers upfront at the start. 'Talk/Together' is a UK-wide conversation that everyone can be part of, which will shape the direction of the campaign's future activities to promote social connection and bridge divides.


"We want to hear from people about what unites us, what divides us, and how we can better connect with each other. So, we are asking people throughout the UK to answer some simple questions.

"We are particularly keen to hear the voices of those in Church of England parishes up and down the country, who we know have - and will continue to - play a crucial role in their communities in the aftermath of Covid-19."

More information can be found here, or by emailing .

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