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Getting back to it

by Michael Ford last modified 17 Apr, 2021 12:06 AM

Westbury Leigh CE Primary School has been delighted to open its doors and welcome back every child to school.

Head teacher Debbie Grimsey explains:

"It is really great to open our doors again and to have the whole school filled with happy voices reflecting inspired and eager learners again. In the first few weeks children have been immersed in their topics and consolidating their learning from lockdown.

"Year 3 have created and tasted a Maya stew and home baked tortillas [see photo below], Year 4 greeted virtual Anglo Saxon visitors, Year 5 have been studying the Abbasids and studied the phases of the sun and the moon and created fabulous sundials. Key Stage 1 have navigated the plains of Africa on a series of adventures. So many journeys of exploration undertaken and loved by all."

Getting back to it- Maya stew and tortillas, Westbury Leigh Primary School

Harvey, Year 6, said:

"It is so great to be back, I can see my friends and my teacher and I have had great fun learning about the Greeks!"

His friend Isabella reiterated this:

"It’s so good to see all my friends, getting back into a normal routine of work and seeing my teacher!"

RE and Worship Lead Becky Pearce said:

"Our whole school has embraced this term's value of joy! We have considered where we can find it in good times and in hard times and how we inspire it in others and spread it to our neighbours and further afield.

"We have been considering the joy that can be found in the Easter message. We explored the meaning of Easter through Salvation Day where we looked at how Jesus’s death and resurrection affects the salvation of humans and opens the way back to God. Children have learnt that through Jesus’ forgiveness and by forgiving ourselves, everyone can feel restored to joy.

"The relaxing lookdown measures mean that for all of us it feels like a time to be joyful for new beginnings and the hope of what the future might bring. A time to celebrate for us all."

Abbasids display:

Getting back to it- Abbasids school display, Westbury Leigh Primary School

Sundials and moon phases:

Getting back to it- sundials and moon phases, Westbury Leigh Primary School

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