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Home News From Mothers’ Union, with love

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From Mothers’ Union, with love

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Dec, 2020 09:40 PM

Diocesan President Rosie Stiven gives us some December highlights on determined campaigning, prisons work, and facing challenges with renewed hope.

From Mothers’ Union, with love

Original image by drakkenfan

On Tuesday 1st December at 12 noon, the Mothers’ Union marked the 16 Days Campaign Against Gender Based Violence with a virtual Service organised by our Diocesan Chaplain, Joanna Naish.

In the past, this Service took place in the Cathedral with members bringing a variety of donations, including household goods and clothing, needed by the Salisbury Women’s Refuge. This year was rather different. All our donations were monetary.

We were delighted that Ros Hepplewhite, the Chair of Salisbury Women’s Refuge, had kindly agreed to speak to us about the Refuge. Ros gave us some heart-rending and alarming facts about domestic abuse, which is on the increase, not only nationally but also in our local community.

I am most grateful to Jo for leading us in a wonderful Service, which was both reflective and inspiring. It helped us all to focus on the Campaign and to direct our energies towards bringing an end to domestic abuse and gender based violence in all its forms. Thank you to both Ros and Jo.

The pandemic may have curtailed many of our activities during the year, but I am delighted to write that, in conjunction with Prison Fellowship, we have been able to deliver the Angel Tree Project once again. Working with both HMP Erlestoke and HMP Guy’s Marsh, our members have provided circa 50 Christmas presents for children whose Dads are currently serving time in prison.

In addition, Christmas cards have been sent to the Dads, so they will know what presents their children will receive. A huge ‘Thank You’ to all our members who managed to deliver Angel Tree on time, whilst abiding by the Covid-Safe restrictions.

You will see that attached to this update, is an Advent Calendar, which Carole Jones from Devizes has shared with our membership. Thank you, Carole. It is so good to have the Calendar guide us through the Season of Advent and bring us to the joy of Christmas.

View the Advent Calendar here.

2020 has been an extremely difficult year for everyone. Nevertheless, I take comfort and find inspiration from our foundress, Mary Sumner. She grappled with many serious problems and rose to the significant challenges of her day. We can follow her example by doing our best to overcome the difficulties presented by Covid-19. Let us take heart and look forward to 2021 when we will Rebuild Hope and Confidence.

I pray that this Christmas will bring both joy and peace to all and I look forward to seeing you all, for real, next year!

With my thanks, love and prayers to all our members,


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