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Home News From Bach's Passion to a Service of Shadows: Holy Week at our Cathedral

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From Bach's Passion to a Service of Shadows: Holy Week at our Cathedral

by Michael Ford last modified 09 Apr, 2019 04:27 PM

There will be thirty services and events taking place over the seven days from Palm Sunday to Easter Day at our Cathedral.

Bishop Nicholas will preside at the Chrism Eucharist on Maundy Thursday (18 April) and preach and preside at the Dawn Service on Easter Day (21 April), while the Very Revd Nicholas Papadopulos will preach on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday (19 April), and the Easter Day Eucharist.

The week begins with the Procession of Palms from Choristers Green on Palm Sunday (14 April) and ends with Festal Evensong on Easter Day.

There will be several services and events each day in Holy Week, ranging from a Service of Reconciliation, and a Sarum Tenebrae - Service of Shadows, to a concert of J S Bach’s monumental St Matthew’s Passion.

Cathedral services and events here

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