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Free Contactless Giving Trial

by Michael Ford last modified 09 Apr, 2019 04:32 PM

Churches in this Diocese are being encouraged to sign up for a free trial of contactless payment devices.

Contactless payment providers GoodBox have partnered with Christian Aid for this fundraising initiative that will see the devices offered to churches free of charge for two months.

Christian Aid are inviting churches to take part in raising funds for the Cyclone Idai appeal and Christian Aid Week by hosting the contactless payment device in their church. The idea is that the device will be used during the trial period to raise funds for those whose lives have been devastated by Cyclone Idai, a tropical storm that has affected up to three million people in Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe.

Once the trial - which is being recommended by the Church of England nationally - is over, participating churches will have the option to buy the device at a discounted price, for their own fund raising and collections.

A spokesperson said:

"This initiative means churches will have the opportunity to trial the device first before deciding to purchase it.

"From 1 June, churches will have the chance to buy the device at a £100 reduction from the normal price. Payment can be made as a one off, or as an instalment plan over 12 to 24 months."

Churches are being encouraged to respond to Christian Aid’s invitation, which they can do here.

Parishes will need to register with Parish Buying in order to apply to take part.

Meanwhile, the Parish Giving Scheme being rolled out accross the Church of England is showing that donations are rising by upto 10 per cent where the scheme is in use.

The Parish Giving Scheme allows parishioners to give electronically via direct debit and increase their giving by the rate of inflation each year.

For churches, it promises to alleviate the administrative burden and streamlines gift aid collection. More information here

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