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Home News Fourth Cathedral peregrine egg hatches

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Fourth Cathedral peregrine egg hatches

by Michael Ford last modified 21 May, 2019 05:53 PM

Last Saturday (18 May), the fourth and final peregrine falcon egg hatched in the shadow of Salisbury Cathedral's spire.

Live feed here

All four eggs hatched within a week, ending a two-year wait for more peregrine chicks.

Sally, the previous resident falcon, had one chick in 2017, but has now left the nest, which is occupied by a new pair.

The last time four chicks successfully hatched on the tower was in 2015.

The new hatchling appeared just days after the Antiques Roadshow 2019 visited our Cathedral, attracting about 5,000 people.

Presenter Fiona Bruce visited the works yard, inspiring the Clerk of Works, Gary Price, to suggest naming the peregrine adults Fiona and Bruce – a suggestion that has been taken up.

11 peregrine chicks have been ringed to date; all being well, the four new chicks will be ringed in the next few weeks.

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