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Four New Canons for Cathedral

by glynch last modified 10 May, 2018 06:39 PM

Three clerical and one lay canon installed at Evensong under the gaze of spectacular installation

Four new canons were admitted to Salisbury Cathedral’s College of Canons during Evensong on Tuesday, 8 May.

The Revd Tony Monds, who serves as the Bishop’s Chaplain, The Revd Chris Strain from St Luke’s Parkstone and The Revd Simon Everett Team Rector of Wareham and Rural Dean of Purbeck, were all admitted as Non-Residentiary Canons.

They were joined by Judy Anderson, Associate Warden of Licensed Lay Ministers, who became a Lay Canon.

As members of the College of Canons, the new canons join the Cathedral’s extended family of advisors, providing feedback on Cathedral activities and policies.

Welcoming them to the fold, Acting Dean of Salisbury Edward Probert, said, “We look to the College of Canons for feedback, reassurance and wisdom, and to reinforce our links with wider society and the Church at large, and we are thankful for their engagement in Cathedral life. I know these newly appointed members of the College will play their part with grace, good humour, appropriate criticism, and great loyalty and I wish them well.”

The installation took place under the Cathedral’s spectacular new Les Colombes installation (pictured), part of the #SalisburyCityOfDoves project.

Canon Judy Anderson was born and brought up in Yorkshire, Judy lived in various parts of the country during her 35-year career as a teacher. Her interest in the pastoral aspects of education led to over 10 years as a boarding school housemistress.  In retirement, she retains her connection with school life as a foundation governor of her local primary school. 

Judy first felt a call to ministry in the 1980s, and she was admitted and licensed as a Reader in the Diocese of St Albans in 1992.  After a period in Newcastle, she was licensed in 2003 in the Diocese of Salisbury, where she serves in the Nadder Valley Benefice.  Always having lived in towns and cities, she enjoys the community feel of village life; leading worship regularly in several churches, rather than just one, has been a new and fulfilling experience. Since 2014 Judy has been Associate Warden of Licensed Lay Ministers, working with the Bishop of Sherborne to look after the LLMs of the diocese. She is a member of the Pray Forum and the Learning for Discipleship and Ministry Council as well as the Lay Ministry Support Group and the LLM Development Group.

Judy enjoys listening to and playing music. A member of the orchestra of All Souls, Langham Place in its early days, she still plays with them occasionally; locally she is a regular member of an orchestra and a chamber group. She enjoys visiting gardens (Stourhead and the Hillier Arboretum are particular favourites) and spending time with family and friends. She is currently studying for an MA in Christian Liturgy at Sarum College.

The Revd Canon Simon Everett is a proud Bristolian whose call to ordination came whilst he was serving as a Deck Officer in the Merchant Navy.  After ten years at sea he changed course and set sail for theological college in London. 

It was to the Bristol diocese he returned to serve his title but Salisbury diocese beckoned, and in 1993 he became Team Vicar in the Wexcombe Team where he served for five and half years.  Next came a move to the beautiful county of Dorset, to the Iwerne Valley Benefice, five rural parishes on the edge of the Cranborne Chase. Whilst here Simon spent twelve years as Rural Dean of Milton and Blandford Deanery, finishing just before his move to become Team Rector of Wareham in 2014.  In addition, he has been appointed Rural Dean of Purbeck.

Simon is married to Linda and they have two adult children Lydia and Freddie.

The Revd Canon Tony Monds was brought up in Dorset where his father was Rector of Hampreston. While a partner in a large provincial firm of solicitors, he was in the first cohort of Ordained Local Ministers to be ordained in the diocese in 1997 and served in the Queen Thorne benefice near Sherborne. 

On leaving the law in 2000, Tony worked as Bursar at Sarum College where he met his wife, Jennifer. He transferred to stipendiary ministry in 2003 serving as Assistant Curate at Sherborne Abbey before becoming Vicar of the benefice of the Piddle Valley, Hilton, Cheselbourne and Melcombe Horsey in 2006.

Tony left Dorset in 2015 for what he intends will be only a temporary exile to become the Bishop’s Chaplain.

The Revd Canon Chris Strain has served in the Diocese for 24 years following curacies in Peterborough and Worthing. Before Ordination he worked as an articled clerk and solicitor in London and taught with CMS in Eastern Nigeria. He was vicar of Hampreston and Stapehill in the 90s and has been vicar of St Luke’s Parkstone since 2000.

Chris enjoyed being a member of General Synod for 10 years, and until recently was assistant Rural Dean of Poole and North Bournemouth.  He is a governor of St Edwards’s RC CE Secondary School and is committed to unity and partnerships having chaired Churches Together in Poole for five years, been chair of the Diocesan Evangelical Fellowship and chaplain to the Scouts. He is a founding trustee of the Poole-Wau South Sudan Trust and has visited South Sudan twice with the Deanery and SOMA.

Chris is a surrogate for marriages, a Vocations Adviser and Peer Reviewer. He has a concern for church and clergy wellbeing, and for a kingdom of God and whole life discipleship focus. He and Maggie, who works part-time as a St Luke’s children’s and families’ worker, will have been married for 30 years in May. They have three children – Ben a curate in London, Anna working for Tearfund and Helen serving in the Department of Health and getting married this summer. 

Chris has played clergy cricket since the 1980s and has enjoyed some great days out with the team. He plays tennis for East Dorset seconds and veterans and is getting back to some erratic golf!


      i.        Biographies:

The Revd Tony Monds
Tony was brought up in Dorset where his father was Rector of Hampreston. While a partner in a large provincial firm of solicitors, he was in the first cohort of Ordained Local Ministers to be ordained in the diocese in 1997 and served in the Queen Thorne benefice near Sherborne. 

On leaving the law in 2000, Tony worked as Bursar at Sarum College where he met his wife, Jennifer. He transferred to stipendiary ministry in 2003 serving as Assistant Curate at Sherborne Abbey before becoming Vicar of the benefice of the Piddle Valley, Hilton, Cheselbourne and Melcombe Horsey in 2006.

Tony left Dorset in 2015 for what he intends will be only a temporary exile to become the Bishop’s Chaplain.

The Revd Simon Everett
Simon Everett is a proud Bristolian whose call to ordination came whilst he was serving as a Deck Officer in the Merchant Navy.  After ten years at sea he changed course and set sail for theological college in London. 

It was to the Bristol diocese he returned to serve his title but Salisbury diocese beckoned, and in 1993 he became Team Vicar in the Wexcombe Team where he served for five and half years.  Next came a move to the beautiful county of Dorset, to the Iwerne Valley Benefice, five rural parishes on the edge of the Cranborne Chase. Whilst here Simon spent twelve years as Rural Dean of Milton and Blandford Deanery, finishing just before his move to become Team Rector of Wareham in 2014.  In addition, he has been appointed Rural Dean of Purbeck.

Simon is married to Linda and they have two adult children Lydia and Freddie.

The Revd Chris Strain
Chris has served in the Diocese for 24 years following curacies in Peterborough and Worthing. Before Ordination he worked as an articled clerk and solicitor in London and taught with CMS in Eastern Nigeria. He was vicar of Hampreston and Stapehill in the 90s and has been vicar of St Luke’s Parkstone since 2000. 


Chris enjoyed being a member of General Synod for 10 years, and until recently was assistant Rural Dean of Poole and North Bournemouth.  He is a governor of St Edwards’s RC CE Secondary School and is committed to unity and partnerships having chaired Churches Together in Poole for five years, been chair of the Diocesan Evangelical Fellowship and chaplain to the Scouts. He is a founding trustee of the Poole-Wau South Sudan Trust and has visited South Sudan twice with the Deanery and SOMA.


Chris is a surrogate for marriages, a Vocations Adviser and Peer Reviewer. He has a concern for church and clergy wellbeing, and for a kingdom of God and whole life discipleship focus. He and Maggie, who works part-time as a St Luke’s children’s and families’ worker, will have been married for 30 years in May. They have three children – Ben a curate in London, Anna working for Tearfund and Helen serving in the Department of Health and getting married this summer. 


Chris has played clergy cricket since the 1980s and has enjoyed some great days out with the team. He plays tennis for East Dorset seconds and veterans and is getting back to some erratic golf!


Judy Anderson
Born and brought up in Yorkshire, Judy lived in various parts of the country during her 35-year career as a teacher. Her interest in the pastoral aspects of education led to over 10 years as a boarding school housemistress.  In retirement, she retains her connection with school life as a foundation governor of her local primary school. 


Judy first felt a call to ministry in the 1980s, and she was admitted and licensed as a Reader in the Diocese of St Albans in 1992.  After a period in Newcastle, she was licensed in 2003 in the Diocese of Salisbury, where she serves in the Nadder Valley Benefice.  Always having lived in towns and cities, she enjoys the community feel of village life; leading worship regularly in several churches, rather than just one, has been a new and fulfilling experience. Since 2014 Judy has been Associate Warden of Licensed Lay Ministers, working with the Bishop of Sherborne to look after the LLMs of the diocese. She is a member of the Pray Forum and the Learning for Discipleship and Ministry Council as well as the Lay Ministry Support Group and the LLM Development Group.


Judy enjoys listening to and playing music. A member of the orchestra of All Souls, Langham Place in its early days, she still plays with them occasionally; locally she is a regular member of an orchestra and a chamber group. She enjoys visiting gardens (Stourhead and the Hillier Arboretum are particular favourites) and spending time with family and friends. She is currently studying for an MA in Christian Liturgy at Sarum College.


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