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Home News #FollowTheStar: your help needed

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#FollowTheStar: your help needed

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Dec, 2019 05:21 PM

As part of our ongoing mission to understand what brings people to church, The Church of England Communications team is undertaking a new area of research as part of this year’s #FollowTheStar Advent and Christmas campaign.

The Team is asking churches to help gather the information they need.

Staff are looking for for 5 to 10 churches in our Diocese who would be happy to put special information gathering cards out at a their Christingle, Carol, and other special Advent and Christmas services.

They really would like to link up with churches that fully engage with #FollowTheStar.

The cards will be sent to each church with a pre-paid envelope to return the filled-in cards.

They'll then do all of the analysis and share the results back with the churches and the wider Church of England.

All the church has to do is put the cards out and collect them back in!

The Team hopes this work will provide a valuable insight into what brings people to church, enabling us all to shape future missional campaigns such as #FollowTheStar and at Lent.

If you are able to help, please s.

They are hoping to send the packs to churches early next week, beginning 9th December.

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