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Flood Appeal

by Michael Ford last modified 23 Jul, 2019 04:44 PM

Our churches are being asked to devote their Harvest fundraising to help thsoe caught up in the South East Asia floods

Christian Aid is urging churches across the Diocese of Salisbury to support an appeal offering a lifeline to those impacted by torrential rain, floods and landslides that have displaced millions of people across India, Bangladesh and Nepal.

Minority communities, such as those belonging to the Dalit caste, are hit the hardest and in many cases have been left unable to access vital food, water and sanitation.

Christian Aid’s regional coordinator for Wiltshire, Yvonne Penn said:

"In India around 6.3 million people have been affected by the floods with many families in makeshift shelters facing huge challenges to find clean drinking water and food. Dalits are among the worst affected.

"People are in desperate need of safe drinking water, food, tarpaulin for shelters, hygiene materials, mosquito nets, and food for livestock."

"Floods such as these can destroy everything in their path – homes, crops, roads and bridges.

"Christian Aid partners are now working to reach those who have lost their homes and livelihoods and are in urgent need of shelter and protection from water-borne diseases.

"But as well as responding to emergencies, Christian Aid’s partners are working hard in India and around the world to help people build resilience, grow skills, gain social status and be able to save and plan for the future.

"Thank you in advance for any prayers or donations churches can give to help the work these appeals are supporting this summer and at harvest time."

This year, churches are encouraged to hold a Harvest Supper for Christian Aid’s Harvest Appeal - free resources are available here.

Christian Aid partners are now working to reach those who have lost their homes and livelihoods and are in urgent need of shelter and protection from water-borne diseases.

The charity’s Harvest Appeal this year focuses on India’s EcoVeg project which has reached almost 5,000 farmers giving them an opportunity to grow vegetables without chemicals and sell them for a fair price.

"Over one third of the farmers are from excluded communities, such as the Dalits, and 47% are women. These farmers are free from the health impacts and expense of buying chemical fertilisers and pesticides and are trained in farming, business and planning skills," Yvonne says.

"Christian Aid partner ADSIL (the Agrarian Development Institute for Sustenance and Improved Livelihood) helps the farmers with sorting, processing and transporting crops, negotiating fair prices without taking any commission itself."

Prayers, more information and how to donate to the South Asia Floods Appeal can be found here. £14 buys a hygiene kit which includes soap, chlorine tablets, sanitary napkins and disinfectant; £17 could buy the items needed to build a temporary shelter, such as tarpaulin, ground mat, mosquito net, bedsheet, and rope; and £700 could pay for a toilet and handwashing block.

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