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Home News Five new canons join Salisbury Cathedral’s College of Canons

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Five new canons join Salisbury Cathedral’s College of Canons

by Michael Ford last modified 28 Apr, 2022 10:10 AM

On Tuesday 3 May, five new canons will be welcomed into Salisbury Cathedral’s College of Canons at the invitation of The Right Revd Karen Gorham, Acting Bishop of Salisbury.

The appointments this year reflect a strong commitment to community, inclusion, and vocation. 

The Revd Rachma Abbott, who joins as a non-residentiary canon, is the Bishop’s Adviser for United Kingdom Minority Ethnic Concerns. Currently the Rector of the Benefice of Lyneham and Woodhill in North Wiltshire, Rachma joins the College alongside The Revd Roger Powell, the Rector of Ridgeway and Rural Dean of Marlborough. Roger has a strong interest in fostering and supporting vocations from UK Minority Ethnic and Global Majority Heritage communities and is currently a Vocations Mentor. 

The Revd Jane Curtis, who also joins as a non-residentiary canon. Prior to ordination, Jane spent three years working in social care. Jane is Vicar of Royal Wootton Bassett and Rural Dean of Calne, and a member of the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel. 

The final non-residentiary canon joining the College this May is The Revd Deb Smith. A former newspaper reporter, Deb is in her fourth year as Team Rector in Bridport, and regards being involved in the formation and training of others, including lay pastoral assistants, licensed lay ministers, ordinands and new curates, as being one of the privileges of her years in the priesthood. 

Bridport, where Deb is based, is home to one of the first community hubs set up in Salisbury Diocese. Community hubs are set up to serve as spaces where children and young people of all ages can safely explore questions of faith. Another new canon, where she is Head Teacher of the Gryphon School. The Gryphon School which forms part of Sherborn Area Schools Trust (SAST) is a pioneering Church of England Secondary School. Nicki joins the College as a lay canon. 

Nicki is committed to Christian education and a strong advocate of chaplaincy in schools. She acts as a Bishops’ Adviser in the national Shared Discernment Process, the process by which anyone who believes they have a vocation can test their calling.

Bishop Karen Gorham, said: 

‘I am delighted that Rachma, Deb, Jane, Roger and Nicki have accepted our invitation to join the College. It is really good to see parish ministry continue to be recognised in the College of Canons as well as us valuing the contribution of those involved in education. We celebrate the diversity amongst us and the ministry these individuals represent in our schools, rural areas, market towns, and their various areas of specialism.’ 

Each new canon will be allocated a stall in the Cathedral Quire and becomes part of the Cathedral’s extended family. At twice-yearly meetings, the College members provide feedback on policy decisions made by the Chapter, the Cathedral’s governing body, and Cathedral activities. 


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